Texas Hold'em Poker Tip of The Day...

Texas Hold'em is not an easy game. Nobody goes from home game chump to World Poker Tour champ over-night. With some hard work, study, and discipline, you can be a winning player.

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Rookie Mistakes

These are some mistakes that rookies make, which in turn paints a nice big bulls-eye on their head:

Mistake #1 - No Table-Etiquette
When you want to raise, don't say, "I call and raise you 'x'." Your first action is also your final action. So if you say, "I call" it means you just want to call. However if you want to raise, just say "raise" with the stated amount you want to raise (if it is a no-limit game). Remember, you're already a beginner. Don't give yourself away anymore than that!

Mistake #2 - Becoming Too Emotional
Ironically, you could lose to unbelievably lucky rookies. Greedy, who me? "No," you say to yourself but the desire for glitz from watching the pros on TV can set in, forcing you to make bad bets. Or maybe your opponents are just downright annoying. Whatever the factors, you must gain experience to recognize them as distractions and to not let your emotions override your judgment at the table.

Mistake #3 - Two Colors Versus Four Suits
Cards are separated by two colors ó red and black. But there are four different suits displayed as spades, hearts, clubs, and diamonds.

While this may be confusing to some beginning players, online poker rooms may give you two display choices: the usual two-color deck and a four-color deck. The four-color deck would have four unique colors to highlight each of the individual suits.

If you use a two-color deck, there's a good chance you will misread your hand to think you have a flush when actually you do not. Therefore keep in mind the four distinct suits. Otherwise using a four-color deck can effectively prevent you from making unobserved mistakes.

Mistake #4 - Overvaluing Suited Hands
Suited pocket hands are always something to look out for. However that doesn't mean you should play a hand just because it is suited. First consider the ranks of the cards and if they are paired. Afterwards you should check if they are suited.

For example a hand like As, Kh is a lot more valuable than a paired hand like 10c, 2c. Although the latter hand is suited by clubs, beginners may get excited enough to hold on and call to see the flop. You don't want to fall into this trap since the chances of hitting a flush with your two suited pocket hands are less than 12%. You would rather stick with a top starting hand such as As, Kh while you can toss 10c, 2c to the gods of bunk.

Mistake #5 - Imitation Spam
Don't be a poser. Many people learn how to play poker by copying others. And to gain fundamentals, some beginners would rather imitate others at a table or try to play like the pro's on TV than read this article. However you must understand where the rubber meets the road.

Sure, you may try to emulate superstardom by copying what you see on TV. But what they're playing are usually tournaments and the hands you see are chopped down in video editing rooms to give you constant excitement. Therefore you miss the buildups and the reasons why pro's make certain decisions that would bear any application to your game.

Likewise you may copy everything from what your mama tells you even to what that crazy cousin Vernon would say. Realize however that imitating any player also means copying their bad habits (even if they are a pro). As President Ronald Reagan once said,"Trust, but verify."

Go ahead and use their words and their styles to learn some basics, yet don't be afraid to take leaps of faith ó take chances ó to test their theories. You are a child at this point and it is more than okay to make childish mistakes. You are doing this to find your own game and succeeding at poker is to understand the organic nature of the game. Don't get locked into what any one person or TV show may say. To grow into an adult poker player go out there and create your own unique experiences and grow to establish your own set of rules, leading eventually to your own independence.


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